
Give to CCS

It doesn’t cost anything to come to church and we don’t take a formal offering during the services, but we believe that we should be cheerful and generous givers because God is the greatest giver of all time. His grace should inspire us to live an unselfish and sacrificial life.

Whether it’s our tithe (a Biblical term that means 10%) or our offerings (the Biblical description of gifts that are over and above the tithe) we want to be giving to the work of God’s kingdom. We want to watch as God takes each of our gifts and turns them into incredible, impactful ministry that transforms our community and our world, forever!

"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NKJV)

Stock Donations

Donations of stock allow for maximum stewardship for some individuals. To donate stock, have your broker transfer it electronically to the church Edward Jones account. All the information you need to accomplish this transaction is available in this instructions document. Donations of actual stock certificates, though more complicated, can be accommodated. Please contact the accounting office by phone (253)852-7030 or e-mail for assistance.

Be sure to check with your qualified tax advisor for specifics as to how stock donations can be advantageous for tax purposes.

Please note, it is always advisable that you notify the church office at (253)852-7030 or e-mail before making your donation. This will help us identify your gift when it arrives and make sure it is posted properly.

Need Help? We're here for you.

Gerrit Hoeks (Executive Pastor):

Danielle Day (Bookkeeper):